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Questions About No-Fault Divorces, Answered

March 13, 2023

While there are times that people get divorced for good reasons — like infidelity or stealing — there are other instances where it just happens. People fall out of love. That can lead to a no-fault divorce, which is not the same as an uncontested one. What is it exactly, though?

Is There Proof of Wrongdoing Needed?

In most instances, one of the two parties involved in the divorce must prove that they were wronged by the other. They need to prove that there was cheating, abuse, or being in prison for a certain amount of time. That means they don't have to spend much money to get divorce lawyers to argue this part.

What's the Difference Between No-Fault and Uncontested Divorces?

When people go through this no-fault divorce, they still have to work through things like child custody and support, the splitting of assets, and other issues like alimony before the divorce is granted. Divorce lawyers will need to get involved. There's no need to do that in an uncontested divorce — they are waiving that part of the process.

Why Bring in Divorce Lawyers in No-Fault Divorces?

As mentioned before, some things need to be resolved before moving ahead with the divorce. These lawyers are essential in ensuring that these issues are taken care of so that the judge will see that and grant the divorce request. The divorce lawyers will ensure that all of this is entered into the record - that's why it's important to get ones specializing in this rather than general. They can verify that you have done everything legally.

More people are getting divorced at a young age. According to Business Insider, first divorces typically happen around the age of 30. It's not sure how many of them were no-fault, but since this option can save a lot of money, it wouldn't be surprising to have that be the case.

Divorce can create a lot of stress throughout a family, both personally and financially. A no-fault divorce can ease that. Then it will be up to the people involved to determine when they want to be fully single again. Once that decision is made, it's a matter of going through the process to make it happen. Contact the professionals at Schmidt & Schmidt S.C. to learn more.

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